
浏览所有Jet elements WordPress模板




元素市场提供了元素页面建设者的一切, 最流行的WordPress页面构建器之一, 使创建页面变得更加容易, 保存/使用模板, 并在拥有少量开发技能的情况下添加自己独特的内容.
Elementor是一个免费的WordPress插件, which allows creating pages with fine columns and sections structure and adding the content widgets to the columns to display and showcase different types of content.

元素PRO版本拥有更多的功能,使其更容易创建标题 & 页脚模板,存档页面模板等.

Elementor Marketplace provides templates and themes for both Elementor FREE and PRO versions, 以及基于JET插件和element的模板.

JET plugins are the addons for Elementor, which can be used with FREE and PRO versions. 它们允许使用element创建各种内容, 从大型菜单标签和审查块.

由元素驱动, the themes and templates represented at Elementor Marketplace are extremely easy to use. 它们提供对内容和样式定制的广泛访问, 从而允许您更改页面布局结构, 字体设置, 使用背景, 没有任何编码知识的颜色和边框.

Our marketplace has gorgeous ready-made templates and themes on practically any topic. 所有的设计都是用客户第一的方法创建的.

The plugins for Elementor are meant to make one’s work with the page builder fast and smooth. There are only necessary addons that will extend builder’s capabilities while helping you create all kinds of content. 令人惊奇的是,你可以用一个插件来创建标签块, 没有学习如何编码, or how easy it is to showcase blog posts in eye-catching tiled layouts or handy lists.

All plugins represented at Elementor Marketplace have passed comprehensive QA tests and have a clean UI which is really easy to comprehend and use.

在我们的元素主题中, 你几乎可以找到任何话题, 从商业/会计到医疗, 餐馆和网上商店. 只要选择一个你想要的,并在你的网站上使用它! 以防你找不到你想要的主题, 你可以用一个相似的, change its appearance with Elementor builder according to your taste using Elementor widgets, 并创建自己的页面结构. This doesn’t require any web development experience, everything is pretty easy even for beginners.

Elementor templates are the building blocks which allow you to build outstanding layouts without actually changing the theme, 或者修改它的文件. These templates possess fully responsive design and have an appearance that corresponds design trends and follows their aesthetics.

The products represented at Elementor Marketplace will easily meet the needs of the most demanding clients. These themes will fit those of you who have no prior experience of working with Elementor page builder or WordPress in general, 以及熟练的开发人员谁正在寻找一个快速的网站建设方式.



发现一切, 从经典的元素主题到元素页面模板和强大的插件, 制作免费和专业版. 在一个地方以合理的价格找到元素建造者的一切!


您正在寻找现成的element模板吗? 您是否需要针对特定主题的完美样式页面, 哪些易于使用,可以在飞行中定制? 在这里找到你需要的一切!


Choose from the most powerful Elementor plugins that will further extend capabilities of your favorite builder. 创建页眉/页脚, mega menus, 添加WooCommerce功能, 或者用元素插件创建任何可以想象的内容!


只使用这个强大的页面生成器制作的最好的元素主题! 看看我们的主题集合,涵盖了众多的主题, from business to medical and restaurants and pick one that perfectly fits your needs!


Elementor page builder is a perfect solution for those who want to keep things simple! 它允许您在拥有少量编码或开发技能的情况下构建内容, so naturally, 所有的主题, elements Marketplace上的模板和插件最适合新手.

More Features. 更多的功能

Use Elementor plugins if you want to extend customization features and to get additional content editing options. The addons provided at Elementor Marketplace are added to the existing page builder functionality.

元素+ WooCommerce

您想要使用elements builder创建在线商店吗? 选择WooCommerce主题和页面模板! There are Elementor addons that deliver additional functionalities making your work with WooCommerce convenient and smooth.


你还在寻找一些完美的元素设计吗? 元素市场上的所有物品不仅看起来很棒, 但在定制和微调方面都是完美的.